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Featured Collections
(included with all subscriptions)

Summer Workout Plan: 4 Weeks (15 hours)

Welcome to your monthly workout plan! I am so excited you are here!

These routines focus on building strength, balance and flexibility, helping you to shape and tone your body. Follow the plan from Monday through Saturday (Sunday is rest day) to create long, lean muscles, and make huge improvements to your overall physical health because, as you know, it doesn’t get easier, YOU get stronger. And a little progress each day adds to big results. Take one day at a time.


Motivational Quote: “Be a warrior, not a worrier”.

5 days to open the psoas (55 min)

The psoas is also called “The Dancer’s Muscle” which maybe triggering your fear and anxiety. Here is how to unlock it!

This bundle will help you unlock the psoas, your hip flexors, increase range of motion and mobility of the hip area, while releasing pelvis tension.

This bundle is recommended to increase circulation to the pelvic area, enhances intimate activity, provides support for the bladder and reproductive organs and helps improve posture and ROM of the pelvis.

3 days tone upper body and core (54 min)

Get ready to feel the burn in all the right places with this bundle! We will work our entire body with the main focus being on upper body and core. As a reward, we do deep stretches and relaxation toward the end of each of the routines. Let’s do this!

7 days INTENSE flexibility & stretching (96 min)

In this 7 Day Intense Flexibility Bundle we are going to be working on deep stretches to increase range of motion.

When you perform the stretches, try to relax into the stretch. See if you can let go of your thoughts, try to clear up your mind and breathe. Breathe into the stretch and relax.

Getting our minds and bodies ready for the challenge allow them to open to new possibilities. Having a flexible body and a flexible mind will take you places you once thought impossible.

5 days glutes & cardio workout (95 min)

Get ready for a full body cardio workout targeting your glutes!

I love this combination of videos that target mainly cardio and glutes. But we will be working our entire body! You will feel the burn! – the good burn, the kind of burn that keeps you going … you can see it on my face towards the end of some exercises 😉

On the day 5 we do a nice deep stretch that will reward your body on all the hard the work you put in!

tango: excel in your embellishment and technique (62 min)

These 5 days we are going to work together in Embellishments, Technique and most importantly how to add personality and gracefulness to your dance.

You might want to repeat the video or parts of the video to work on specific topics. You can also pause the video to try the concepts a few extra times.

5 days Simple exercises to improve stability (49 min)

Some of this balance routines are short but challenging… we will feel the burn together!

Make sure that you engage your core and focus on your posture as we perform the balance exercises. You might want to have a chair close to you in case you need extra help. Complementary techniques such as: hip placement, core engagement, and foot strength are included in this bundle.

Balance is key to proprioception and therefore extremely important in performance in sports, dance and life!

Serious About Your Health & Body?

If you are serious about improving your health with a comprehensive program and access to over 100 additional videos, you may want to consider subscribing to Studio Tangoflex!

Get your FREE tango inspired legs workout today!

Get your FREE tango inspired legs workout today!

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